
TecMinho is a knowledge and technology transfer association based in the North of Portugal, founded in 1990 as an interface of the University of Minho. We are a private non-profit organisation located in the University Campus, aiming to promote the region’s development by stimulating innovation and new technologies and by promoting the transfer of knowledge between the University, companies and society.

We deliver face to face and online training, technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship services. 

With 30 years’ experience TecMinho has collaborated in over 150 European and international projects, worked with approximately 700 European and international partner institutions (Higher Education, Companies, Vocational Education and Training, Business associations, ONGs, Local authorities, etc.) from over 40 countries worldwide.


Contact Person: Ana Dias

SYNERGASIA ENERGON POLITON (Active Citizens Partnership) is non-for-profit organisation operating in Greece since 2009, committed to support the inclusion of all people by empowering and equipping them with the skills and competences they need to realise their potential and their inclusion on all levels, social, political, and economic.

Through research, training, tools development, empowering and knowledge sharing we work to achieve systemic changes and provide opportunities for individuals and society.

 Our expertise includes social inclusion, employability, digital skills and competence development, human rights protection, gender equality, social entrepreneurship, technology enhanced learning, innovation development, adult and vocational training and social policy issues.


Contact Person: George Bekiaridis 

Pontydysgu SL

Was established in early 2018, in Valencia Spain. Pontydysgu believes that access to education is a human right for all throughout life, including in schools, vocational education and training, Higher Education, in the workplace and in the community. We are committed to the idea of education as a public good and Pontydysgu supports the aims of the United Nations Global Education 2030 Agenda through Sustainable Development Goal 4.

Pontydysgu staff have gained broad areas of expertise and associated Intellectual Property in a number of different areas and in particular in the use of technology for learning. Pontydysgu have been researching and developing the use of technology for careers advice guidance and counselling for nearly twenty years. Director, Graham Attwell, is technical director of the UK LMI for All project, providing oen access to reliable labour market information and more recently has been involved in  the development of an AI powered chatbot for  careers guidance.


Contact Person: Graham Attwell

The University of Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) is a teaching and research institution officially founded in 1985. The university employs over 7.000 people in 31 faculties and schools distributed in three different campuses, with a total of more than 50,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The UPV/EHU offers the highest number of doctorate programmes of all Spanish universities, one third of which have received a mention of excellence from the Spanish Ministry of Education.

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has recognised the UPV/EHU as an International Research Campus of Excellence.

Since the first Research Framework Programmes, the UPV/EHU has been very active and has participated in many collaborative projects. With regards to the 7th Framework Programme, during the period 2007-2013, the University of Pais Vasco has participated in more than 100 projects, has coordinated many of them, amounting to more than 30 million Euros of financing from the FP7 programme, and more than 3 million Euros from other European or International Research Programmes. In Horizon 2020, the UPV/EHU has already been successful with 68 projects, which so far have attracted a total sum of 21 million Euros in research and innovation financing. In 2014, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) started to support Erasmus+ Programmes. By the time it has been the beneficiary of 6 Jean Monnet and 7 KA2 Strategic Partnerships, 2 KA2 Capacity Building and 2 Sports.

The Faculty of Education of Bilbao has led diverse research projects where AI (Artificial Intelligence), ICT and new technologies, inclusive education and research with students with special needs or VET students have been developed and implemented, such as Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Easy To-read (learning technique designed for people with mental or reading understanding disabilities), etc. Most of the research, teaching and training actions carried out by the present research group within UPV-EHU, were oriented to cover the educational and training necessities of the different sectors of society, giving specific relevance to the use of AI, ICT and educational innovation.



Contact Person:
Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta

IDEC IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of ICT solutions for both private and public sector. IDEC has been active the last 20 years in the field of EU projects.

It has long experience in European policies regarding lifelong learning and in particular EQF, ECVET, Europass, EQAVET, validation of non-formal and informal learning, work based learning & apprenticeship schemes and in national reforms of education and training systems.



Contact Person: Niki Zafeiropoulou

FORAVE – ASSOCIAÇÃO PARA A EDUCAÇÃO DO VALE DO AVE is a vocational/technical private school located in Vila Nova de Famalicão, one of the most industrialised councils of the Ave Valley, in the North of Portugal. Established in 1990, FORAVE´s main goal is the preparation of qualified citizens for active life and the reskilling and/or upskilling of adult students trying to improve or acquire skills to answer the demands of the market in the areas of Company Management, Industrial Maintenance, Electronics and Automation, Polymer Industry and Mechatronics.

Located  in a highly industrialised region, FORAVE is recognised for the alignment of its educational project with the industrial characteristics of the territory, regarding the 4 major economic clusters in the areas of Automobile, Agro-food, Textile and Metalworking. The great connection between FORAVE and the companies has contributed to the development of training courses, increasingly fitted to the needs of the companies. FORAVE is also recognised for the high rates of employment and for the contribution to the development of the local economy.

FORAVE is also a founding member, and board member, of INNOTECS, an international organisation for deans and directors of Technical schools, mainly focused on vocational educational training level and high school level.



Contact Person: Teresa Lessa Santos


Project: 2021-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000025802

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.