Project Results
My Career Pathway Web Portal
Provide access to Labour Market Intelligence based tools for unemployed adults and those seeking new employment to explore potential new jobs based on their skills and to enter vocational education and training for skills updating.
Provide a personal space to develop a Euro CV based on present experience and skills to be compared with requirements for different occupations through ESCO, identifying possible new occupations for ‘good’ jobs, with an emphasis on green jobs, using an algorithm developed by Nesta.
Identify new additional skills needed and training opportunities for those new skills.
Labour Market and Skills Data Hub
Provide data for employers, policymakers, planners and vocational education and training providers on skills and training demand related to national and regional markets based on the Cedefop Skills OVATE data offering near real time data on skills demands for VET. This data will be combined with analytics based on user interactions, providing not only job and skills demand, but data on what users are looking for at a local and regional level.
Professional Experience Space
Inform professionals working in careers development and guidance, Public Employment Services and VET on how to use the Career Pathways tools, on how they can be used in professional practice and on how to interpret and make sense from the data.
Provide online and face-to-face opportunities for professional development in the area of VET and skills intelligence.
Provide courses and workshops specifically based on the use of the Career Pathways tools, other materials will focus on the use of Labour Market Intelligence in professional practice and on the interpretation and meaning of data. All materials will have an English language version as well as a version in the three partner country languages.
Project: 2021-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000025802
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.